Celebrities in Trance: Charlotte Hatherley, Ash

Charlotte Hatherley was until very recently the lead guitarrist of British Rock Band Ash. In 2003, Ash taped a special documentary for England's Channel Four called "Ash:Love and Destruction" where the band members where subjected to several esoteric tests and trials. In one of them, Charlotte was hypnotised and regressed to a past live. According to an article on BBC's site, the full story goes:
Charlotte from Ash hypnotised
Charlotte from Ash has been telling us how bizarre it was being hypnotised for the band's spooky new documentary.
It's definitely not your usual band TV doc - the Irish band are kidnapped by a group of obsessed fans and taken to a secure location, where they have to confront their innermost secrets and desires in a journey into their dark side.
You get to find out quite a bit about each member, plus you'll see Mark exorcising demons, Rick getting crucified by dominatrixes and Tim spending time in a flotation tank.
Charlotte gets hypnotised and goes back to a past life of someone born in 1902, at home with her husband and son.
She says it was very weird seeing a film of herself being hypnotised:
"Yeah I didn't like it actually… it was kinda strange seeing yourself completely hypnotised. Anything could have happened. Being laid bare to an audience full of strangers, talking about quite personal things…"
A research through several Ash fansites hasn't produced much information about the documentary; but in one of them we've found this not-terribly -interesting screenshot os Charlotte's hypnotic session.

If you have any more information about "Ash:Love and Destruction", lovely Miss Hatherley's hypnosis experience, or even a copy of the thing, we'd love to have a look at it. Just tell us.
Labels: Celebrities in Trance
I actually taped it on the night it went out but tragically can't get my video to upload onto my computer properly. I can tell you, however, that there is no induction, and the whole thing looks, mostly, like that screenshot - although Charlotte does have a nice line in hypnotic mumbling, and there's a great shot of her waking up.
I have a TV card and everything, but I can't seem to tune the video properly. Now I've found this site, I'll keep trying.
Could you please get in contact with us at societehypnotique@gmail.com? We can help you getting the video online, and I know someone who has been looking for the video for a very long time and who is willing to discuss with you ways of getting a copy
- hypnotic society
I've sent an mpg of the whole show via MegaUpload. You should be getting a link eventually. It might take awhile.
"I've sent an mpg of the whole show via MegaUpload. You should be getting a link eventually. It might take awhile."
Do you mean it might take a while to upload the clip to megaupload, or it might take a while for you to post the link of the clip?! Once the clip's there, the link usually just pops up in a flashing green/orange link code in the top right hand corner...
Crud. Didn't see a flashing thing, it told me it'd email the link. I'll try it again today.
"Crud. Didn't see a flashing thing, it told me it'd email the link. I'll try it again today."
Yeah, I think they keep rejigging the layout of megaupload. Sometimes the "dowload progress bar" doesn't show any colour, and they sometimes stick a little pop-up ad. over the area right where the uploaded clip link gets posted!!
Once the progress bar indictes that the upload is complete, just look for the link in flashing lime-green towards the top right-hand corner, highlight with the cursor and copy and paste it into your message (and then post it in a comment :D - without the http: bit if the protocol in here dicourages hotlinks).
BTW, well done for digging out the clip and taking the time to upload ;)
Right, I've sent it again via YouSendIt so you should get it drekly. And to make up for inadvertantly jerking you around all week I've edited out everything except Charlotte. I've also included a brief interview with her after the session. Once again, I am sorry.
or discourages, even! Damn typos!
"Right, I've sent it again via YouSendIt so you should get it drekly...Once again, I am sorry."
No need to apologise at all...you're a fine upstanding citizen for even bothering to provide the clip!
BTW, I'm sure you could put the link in here as well. If you've sent it via email to the moderator(s), it might take a while for it displayed back on the front pages...
dunno, leave it with you (you could just put the main part of the link in, and leave out the http, and we can cut 'n' paste into our address bars
Here it is:
Add the Http (without www) and you should be fine...
Thanks a lot for your efforts anonymous.
Hmm, no go for some reason.
Prob'ly a load of bastid lurkers who haven't said a dickybird to help, but who got to your latest comment before me, grabbed the link and have now clogged up yousendit
Dear anon,
Me again! I got to the link to paste and work eventually and found this:
"Unfortunately, your file has expired. A link is valid for 3 days or a limited number of downloads, whichever occurs first. If you want your files to be available longer, use the new YouSendIt website where files last for 7 days for FREE.
Once the link expires, the file is deleted and cannot be recovered."
Looks as though the damn download limit has been reached ALREADY!! (and no one's left you a thank you note either!)
How big is the file? Any chance of you trying again with megaupload? (that allows unlimted downloads I think, as long as the link doesn't remain unused for longer than 30 days)
A pain for you to do, I know, only I'd love to see the clip, and had such high hopes of being able to do so after I tipped you off about the mysteries of the latest megaupload layout earlier today :(
Here's hoping...
To repeat: the limited number of downloads available on this clip at yousendit have been used up. Can the original - and very generous - poster, or someone who was lucky enough to download it put it up on megaupload (which will give effectively unlimited download options) and post the link here?
I was the one who pointed the guy in the right direction after his inital foul-up with megaupload, and, y'know, I think I should get the chance to see it...
C'mon you guys!! Share and share alike. Otherwise there's no way that my clip of Celeste from "Daphne & Celeste" being hypnotized on breakfast TV will ever see the light of day in here!!
I will be uploading in the coming hours the clip both to Megaupload and Google Video, both sites where you can get it with no download limit.
Thanks a lot to out anonymous reader for his very generous contribution.
And anon:we really want to see that Celeste clip...please get in touch with us and let's see what we can do.
Here it is at Megaupload:
(this is the Anon who uploaded the clip in the first place; why not just call me the Sleeper Agent?)
Jesus, that was quick. I forgot YSI had such a horrendous bandwidth limit It's 42 megs in wmv format. I just uploaded it to MegaUpload again (still don't see a flashy thing, I'm pretty much taking it on faith that they've sent the link to the moderators), so that should save the Society the bother. Unless they've done it already, in which case I suppose they can use it as a mirror.
Ah, they sent me the link too this time. Here:
I'm in Britain, by the way, hence the apparently random timing of my actions.
Howdo again!!
Its me, the anon who was trying to help Sleeper Agent (the good Samaritan also formerly known as anon) crack the megaupload “enigma code.”
Got home earlier, was chuffed to find the link posted and have just finished downloading it. Before I watch it however, it would be remiss of me not to pop back in again to reiterate my gratitude (can gratitude be reiterated?!) to the man who is responsible for getting us all where we are today. You sir, are a DIAMOND GEEZER!!
He created a first link, then a second one, and then a THIRD!! He already HAD the clip, he didn't NEED to waste his time buggering around trying repeatedly to get a link up to work for the rest of us!! Think about that, all you silent lurkers who crept in here to nick off with the yousendit link and then crept out again without so much as a simple tip of your hats.
Cheers again, matey!
(Sleeper Agent again)
Well, you're welcome. One other step I didn't mention was to download an mpeg of the show from Emule because my VCR completely failed me. That took almost a week in itself...
...And it would have been remiss of me not to share the clip. As far as I know, the show's only ever been on once, three years ago. It's my civic duty to put these things out if we don't want them to die.
Celeste on breakfast TV sounds interesting. My next project might be Suzanne Shaw being regressed in Have I Been Here Before, although I can't promise anything - or rather my VCR can't promise anything.
Here's some bonus material anyway. Charlotte Church, giving up smoking. It's in the credits of a documentary she made a while back, which you can download in bits here. The interesting part is in the last one.
Enjoy the piano bit.
Sorry, that link should be:
You'll need to reattatch that last bit.
Re: "Here's some bonus material anyway. Charlotte Church, giving up smoking"
Thanks for that link, but I'm more of a Miss Hatherley fan than a Miss Church fan :D (fuzzy guitars over choir singing!!)
They both share the same first name of course, Charlotte, and rather spookily their surnames join together to make the name of an actual existing building: Hatherley Church in Gloustershire.
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what is the google title for the charlotte clip, has it been removed?
The entire love and destruction film is available on myspace video. it says so on the ash page and i watchd it the other day, very enjoyable it was too!
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